As a constitutional function, the Prime Minister is responsible for the orientation of the general governmental policies and the fulfillment of the political program, as well as the supervision of the progress related to implementation of the policies by the ministers. This function of the Prime Minister is performed by the Cabinet and the technical structures of the Prime Minister’s Office. The Department of Development and Good Governance, is one of the technical structures (civil service status) of the Office of the Prime Minister and is responsible to ensure the following key functions of the center of government:
  • evidence based policy coordination and development at the central level;
  • preparation and follow up of the priority policies of the government through the delivery mechanism;
  • ensuring integrated and systemic evidence based performance through integrated e-platform;
  • develop and consolidate mechanism of good governance at center of government;
  • development of strategic programs for development and cooperation;
  • identification and preparation of strategic development projects;
  • preparation of the national single project pipeline.
In overall, the Department of Development and Good Governance ensure the planning system is consolidated at the center of government and functions in an integrated, efficient, and coherent manner.
This function is provided through coherent combination of three basic elements: policies, programs and projects.  The Department of Development and Good Governance   is composed of three units as follows:
  1. Unit on Policy for Development and Good Governance – is responsible for ensuring the policy coherence and linkage policy-budget, policy evidence monitoring and reporting systems; as well as good governance at the center of the government. The Unit includes the subordiated directories:
    • Directory of Policies and Development Priorities – responsible for the overall policy frame at the national level; Policy priorities of the government; regional development policy; SDGs;
    • Directory of Policies and Good Governance System – responsible for the development and good governance agenda of the government; Integrated Planning System and Single e-platform/IPSIS system; public consultation consolidation; IPMG on Good Governance etc.
  2. Unit for Development and Cooperation Programs, which is responsible for the preparation and follow up of national and cross-cutting programs, Regional Development Fond, program on Regional Economic Area etc.  Unit for National Projects for Development, which is responsible for the National Single Project Pipeline preparation and follow up; preparation of documents packages and studies related to national strategic projects, coordination with line ministries on implementation of national strategic projects, etc.